Welcome to scufgiveaway.tk. First of all, we'd like to formally apologize for the domain of the website. We are just having a few issues at the moment, but we will soon be using a normal .com domain. Now, you are probably wondering... what exactly is this and how does it work? It's actually quite simple. We, Bohemia Interactive, have recently partnered with Scuf Gaming. To celebrate our new partnership with them, we have purchased a handful of promotional codes that you can use to redeem a free Scuf controller. The download links for the promotional codes are located below. Keep in mind, we only have a handful of codes, so grab yours now!
Promotional Code Downloads:
Ying Yang (x4)
SCUF FPS Pro (x2)
SCUF WhiteOut PS (x3)
*Surveys included with download are to prevent bots and users from downloading multiple codes. Each download link has a full set of instructions on how to use the code.
After you download your promotional code, head over to SCUF Gaming to redeem it.
For any questions, concerns, or business inquiries please contact us at